Happy Birthday Zekey Lou! Tomorrow - at 3:20 a.m. to be exact - my middlest buddy Zeke turns the big 3. We are having a party tonight here with our family--- which is why I decided to blog right now-- I just wrote my list of things to clean and then naturally decided to procrastinate. To increase productivity in the long run. After I called my sister for our daily chat #1. I just got done telling her that I really don't have much left to clean... have been doing a little here and there all week... and I'm not going to bother dusting as that would take days. So if you are a guest tonight --- any dust you pick up is FREE! I just am not a duster. I think Gramma Jude always passed that job off to me when I was at home and she had MILLIONS of little brass things sitting everywhere that needed dusting (and mom is thinking - wait, Jenni helped?!). Maybe I did dream that up. I was with Alicia one time when she had called her mom to ask her to pick up a can of "dust" (dusting spray?) for her while she was at Wally World. And I was like what the heck do you dust that you would EVER go through a whole can of dusting spray!? Because the only way my can is ever going to get empty is if 1) child sprays it all over the couch or their bed or the wood floor making it so slippery you can never walk in that spot again or 2) the can gets a hole in the bottom of it. Maybe I will let Mack run the Norwex mitt over the most obvious places when he gets home. :)
So Zeke Louis was born on a Tuesday morning at Regional Medical Center at 3:20 in the morning. He weighed 7lb. 11oz. and was 20" long. He was the only one we "knew" was going to be a boy. Although Jordan, who moonlights as a radiologist, "knew" with all three. He has been our good sleeper - after 8 weeks, I only got up with him maybe three times until the past six months when he has.... regressed. After I had Huck, I didn't put the older boys to bed much for probably two months. So then I started missing it so I started laying down with Zeke before bed. And I ruined EVERYTHING. Now he needs me to lay with him for no less than an hour before I can leave the room. Then he continues to get up and run back and forth from his room to our room 4 or 5 times. Then he shows up at the end of our bed at least once in the middle of the night. And comes in bright-eyed and bushy tailed as soon as day breaks. But he's cute, and all he wants to do is snuggle and watch Angry Birds Play Doh on YouTube on my phone so it's okay. He really is the sweetest little boy ever. I always say You betcha baby! and he responds with You betcha Momma! He is always saying that the dog "sure likes me best!" I sure do like this food! I sure do think so! I sure do wuv you best! He also is a little sh!t. Several times a day he sneaks out the front door wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a smile. We have smashed pop tarts and Nutragrain bars every. where. He climbs in our bed with a can of Pringles on days I just washed the sheets --- not just crumbs, SHARP crumbs. His ears do not work. He is the boss honcho at our house. But we wouldn't trade him for the world -- he keeps our house interesting to say the least. Plus he has a super cute lisp.
Tomorrow we are taking Mack, Zeke, Wesley, and Bennett to Jumping Janes, "Old" McDonalds, and maaaaybe a movie for the big day. I just texted Jordan that I had offered to just have W and B spend the night tonight after the party since we're leaving early in the a.m. anyway. He called back wondering why I am such a glutton for punishment and torturous (word?) things. :) He knows he gets sleepover duty tonight. Momma doesn't lose much sleep without good reason! I also texted him that I had banished Humpy the Happy Humper dog outside. The DD (damn dog) is 10 weeks old. Should 10 week old puppies be humping already?? Jordan said maybe he just has a twitch. We will see what he thinks when DD starts twitching on his leg. Leave it to us to end up with an oversexed dog. Good grief.
Well, I should get back to cleaning. I have two more toilets to go. I cannot tell you how glad I am that I went ahead and bought the toilet seats that "clip" on and off. When the lady was explaining this to me I was thinking no way in pee hell would I be touching the toilet seat in its usually dirtiest part to take it off and clean it. But I do! It takes me a minute to muster up the courage... like when you are about to jump in a cold pool... but I do, and it's yellow/orange and disgusting, but I tell myself it's all probably Mack's pee and how dirty can 5 year old pee be!? (please be just Mack's pee... surely Jordan's aim has been perfected by now.)
Also - in current events, I have chosen to give up on working my one (night - yawn) weekend a month at RMC for now. It was a love-hate relationship - love the excitement and new babies and adult interaction, hate the nights and weekends and holidays and stress those 24 hours brought to our house. Hopefully by the time I am gainfully employed again, I will know what I want to be when I grow up. Probably a lab tech. :) Or a coffee shop owner! Don't get rid of the Old Feedmill yet Papa Gerald!!
It is a beautiful day- Enjoy! The birthday boy can attest because he just peed outside! Facing the golf course! Can't rain on the bday boy's parade though - today or any day. He's just a happy camper.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Herky Is My Hero
Hi all! We got a dog this weekend. A chocolate lab puppy actually. Before I go too deep, those of you who know me well know I sometimes have ideas that are.... grandiose. (Several things really scream out at me that I'm bi-polar... manic episodes, really over the top, grandiose plans to name a few. Classic symptoms.) I like to think that having a dog, starting a business, having 7 kids, nature walks through snow and thorns with a two year old in cowboy boots would be fun... but then actually it's just a lot of work. Which is no fun. So yes, we got a dog - Herky. He ( i know- i cant even get a girl dog) was first Sam, then Romeo (my personal fave.) and then we threw out Herky and of course the boys loved it and it stuck. And then we got the dog -- and it is very hard to differentiate between Herky and Hucky. Which is what we call little brotha most of the time. Jordan and I had planned ahead about how when picking names that he and I should pick some pre-approved names to suggest to the boys so that they don't think of their own --- Brown dog automatically = named Brownie (first thing Mack suggested!). And then we threw caution to the wind and blurted out Herky without thinking of how that might pan out. So yesterday was my first day in the trenches with the dog. It was suggested on FB that we take the dog out every 25-30 minutes during the day (ain't nobody got time to get up in the night with a dog- I told Jordan I don't even get up with my human baby anymore, you won't see me getting up with a dog. And he agreed since he gets up with no human babies ever.) SWEET JESUS does 25 minutes come around fast! By noon I had texted Jordan to come get the f-ing dog because I had already been outside with it 12 times and had basically spent more time with it than Huck. Which really made me hate the name Herky because I kept getting them switched up and I felt bad for calling my sweet boy Herky when at the time I wanted to put the darn dog on Craigs List (this is how these types of things usually go for me - day one). But, I switched to every 45 minutes and kind of got a routine down on how I do things and he has had only 2 accidents in 2 days --- and last night slept about 10 hours and had a clean kennel this morning! So the consensus today is that I'll keep him. As soon as he's house trained, Zeke is going in the kennel!! Oh and after we got home with the dog on Sunday, it was mass chaos - first warm day of the year, puddles and mud everywhere, newness of the dog = boys have to go out every time we take it out (45 times at least)---- 4+ outfit changes later and Jordan says "Not in a bad way... but I'm glad I get to go to work tomorrow." Kind of like No offense, but this sucks. Yeah. Throw in 6 loads of laundry and dishes and poopy diapers all around, and it's a regular ole blast around here!!
I have beenpatiently impatiently waiting for my sister to have her baby. Due date = this Thursday. She had a doctor appointment today and he was hopeful she will go soon... but if not he will induce her on the 10th. ON THE 10TH! She should have said and by the 10th do you mean APRIL FOOLS?! I guess I'm just spoiled that I get induced at 39 weeks (but God just laughs and laughs and says you will still have this baby on the birthday that I have planned. next week.).. 41 just seems cruel. We were just talking about how excited she is to get the nightly baby-is-hungry wake up calls from the nurses while she's in the hospital. Worse sound ever. Thrilled baby is finally here, but if there was ever a chance that you are going to get even a little bit of sleep in the foreseeable future - it's gonna be in the hospital. While baby is being snuggled at the nurse's desk. Can't wait until my niece is here! The only bad thing about us all having babies at the same time is that you really can't be of any sort of help --- here I'll hold your baby so you can relax a minute... and hold mine. :) She has had many days of "maybe this is it...??" so I have kept my phone on vibrate. We have a thing where we text mom and sisters and Justin all the while during labor... mine were usually like "doing nothing." "going home." "maxed out on Pitocin again. doing nothing. Dr. Thompson is probably afraid to come in (for fear of the hot mess i will become when he says well baby is lookin famous... but maybe lets try again tomorrow)" "Epidural in, thank you LORD" Can't wait to get her texts this time around!!! And go to Starbucks when I visit them (thank you Jess for delivering in a city!!!)
Mack is the Star Student this week at school - we filled out a sheet listing his favorites and he got to bring some pictures to share with the class. 5-10 were requested but this guy has caught MANY fish in his life, so we went a bit over that with all of his best catches, and a few of him and his brothers. Friday we take him to kindergarten round-up! I still remember when I had my kindergarten round-up --- Mrs. Elledge had her classroom out in a trailer in the parking lot and after she took my picture, I was amazed that there was another little girl in my class that looked exactly like me and was even wearing the same clothes! (one of those old cameras that spit the picture out right away --- newfangled stuff Ed-Co had back then!)
Anyway - 45 minutes is up. Puppy time :( 45 minutes isn't much better than 25 now that I think about it. Boo.
Have a great week!
Also - for the record, Jordan has gotten up with the boys at night before. Because I have kicked him and cursed at him and forced him to do so. :)
I have been
Mack is the Star Student this week at school - we filled out a sheet listing his favorites and he got to bring some pictures to share with the class. 5-10 were requested but this guy has caught MANY fish in his life, so we went a bit over that with all of his best catches, and a few of him and his brothers. Friday we take him to kindergarten round-up! I still remember when I had my kindergarten round-up --- Mrs. Elledge had her classroom out in a trailer in the parking lot and after she took my picture, I was amazed that there was another little girl in my class that looked exactly like me and was even wearing the same clothes! (one of those old cameras that spit the picture out right away --- newfangled stuff Ed-Co had back then!)
Anyway - 45 minutes is up. Puppy time :( 45 minutes isn't much better than 25 now that I think about it. Boo.
Have a great week!
Also - for the record, Jordan has gotten up with the boys at night before. Because I have kicked him and cursed at him and forced him to do so. :)
Friday, March 14, 2014
TGIF - Thank you dear, dear Lord, it is Friday. Friday means Mack is in school. Mack is in school = a little peace and Pinterest time around here! Truth be told, I could probably do with a little less pinterest time, because it makes me do stuff like this --- a week or two ago Jordan's sister pinned this- "Moon Sand. Just 8 Cups Of Flour And 1 Cup Of Baby Oil, Really Soft And Easy To Clean Up." Yeah. So two minutes later, I have my big, bright green Tupperware container full of Moon Sand. (and, thank you Andrea, I have not been able to bake since -- blessing?? --- 8 cups of flour pretty much wipes out even an avid baker like me's supply.) Kids are thrilled - it smells like baby heaven, and I tell them they can play with it on the vinyl floor in the basement. Two minutes after that I text Andrea and my sister "DO. NOT. make Moon Sand unless you want to lose your ever-lovin' mind." Wish I had a picture. Zeke really went to town with Moon Sand. But true to claim, it was easy to clean up. With a vacuum. And a washing machine.
Tomorrow marks my bi-monthly Target trip. (Cheated and went twice already this month-- once "just for formula" and came out with a VCR - so even Jordan got supleyed (that's his word, not mine. I believe it is a wrestling move) by the money-trap that is Target. Ha!) Target is my best ever, ever, ever, ever. Not even their mega breach has slowed me down (Boo Target!). Their stuff is cute! They have Starbucks!! (swoooon- mentally preparing email to CEO of Starbucks to feel them out about putting one up in Edgewood in the old feedmill... surely the closest one being 50+ minutes away is reason enough!) They have mango smoothies (have you had one? Oh please do.) and popcorn (Zeke loves himself some popcorn) at their food court (food court? snack center? place where I take my kids to eat so we don't have to embarrass ourselves at a restaurant AND make yet another stop?). Target is basically the best. And those little tricksters know it! Since they came out with Cartwheel (tell me you use this.) I'm even more addicted. Basically it boils down to that they have raised their prices (yes. they did. it's true.) and then give you a certain % off by using Cartwheel. It keeps a rolling track of how much you have "saved" and gives you a big fat pat on the back for hitting savings milestones. The last time I was there a husband and wife were having this conversation in the diaper and wipes isle and I just wanted to say SHHH You are ruining this for me! She even knew the exact prices of what the wipes had been vs. what they are now (signs of being a super shopper like me!)... And so I know all of this and yet I just can't help but try to out save my self. I am thisclose to saving $100 with Cartwheel. Tomorrow is the day. Darn you Target! (Yes, all savings has probably been spent at Starbucks. THEY don't have Cartwheel. Bah.)
And now a kid update. Huck has had the wheezys again so he is on nebs and a steroid. Char (Char Sauer of RFH) told me to get mean and give him his nebs thru the intended mask (sometimes I do, sometimes I just blow it in his face....) So yes, it works best but I have to sing Patty Cake literally 100 times while I do it so he doesn't scream and throw his head back and forth... and it is hard to say "mark it with an H!" Should have thought of that when we named him I guess. So I go through the whole extended family in Patty Cake and then he's done. Repeat every 4-6 hours as needed. And the steroids are making little brotha hungry! I can tell that he thinks that the applesauce is sour as hell but he is like whatever! I'm hungry! and eats it anyway. I wonder if I'm on a steroid and I don't even know it?!
Zeke. Oh Zekey. The sweetest little boy ever. Forever in my heart, forever in diapers. No interest whatsoever. Drives Jordan crazy, but I'm like meh, this way I don't have to run him to the potty every ten minutes!! Probably this summer he'll learn it is fun to pee outside and then we'll be done. And heck - with Cartwheel, diapers are 5% off! :)
Mack Marshall. Bless his skinny little heart. For years (5 to be exact), he would wear nothing but sweat pants... Doesn't matter, but on occasion I thought it might be nice for him to wear jeans. All it took was telling him that Jordan wears jeans every day and now you can't get the kid in sweats! Next I'm going to tell him that Jordan takes naps every day too!!
So that's it this week.. Had anticipated this being a thing I do every Tues. and Fri. when Mack is at school, but I lead a pretty boring life. Will try harder. Have a great weekend! (I would as well, but I work this weekend. Nights. Boo! But I guess it supports my Target habit.)
I also didn't win the HGTV contest. Thought Lake Tahoe looked boring anyway. Sob.
Tomorrow marks my bi-monthly Target trip. (Cheated and went twice already this month-- once "just for formula" and came out with a VCR - so even Jordan got supleyed (that's his word, not mine. I believe it is a wrestling move) by the money-trap that is Target. Ha!) Target is my best ever, ever, ever, ever. Not even their mega breach has slowed me down (Boo Target!). Their stuff is cute! They have Starbucks!! (swoooon- mentally preparing email to CEO of Starbucks to feel them out about putting one up in Edgewood in the old feedmill... surely the closest one being 50+ minutes away is reason enough!) They have mango smoothies (have you had one? Oh please do.) and popcorn (Zeke loves himself some popcorn) at their food court (food court? snack center? place where I take my kids to eat so we don't have to embarrass ourselves at a restaurant AND make yet another stop?). Target is basically the best. And those little tricksters know it! Since they came out with Cartwheel (tell me you use this.) I'm even more addicted. Basically it boils down to that they have raised their prices (yes. they did. it's true.) and then give you a certain % off by using Cartwheel. It keeps a rolling track of how much you have "saved" and gives you a big fat pat on the back for hitting savings milestones. The last time I was there a husband and wife were having this conversation in the diaper and wipes isle and I just wanted to say SHHH You are ruining this for me! She even knew the exact prices of what the wipes had been vs. what they are now (signs of being a super shopper like me!)... And so I know all of this and yet I just can't help but try to out save my self. I am thisclose to saving $100 with Cartwheel. Tomorrow is the day. Darn you Target! (Yes, all savings has probably been spent at Starbucks. THEY don't have Cartwheel. Bah.)
And now a kid update. Huck has had the wheezys again so he is on nebs and a steroid. Char (Char Sauer of RFH) told me to get mean and give him his nebs thru the intended mask (sometimes I do, sometimes I just blow it in his face....) So yes, it works best but I have to sing Patty Cake literally 100 times while I do it so he doesn't scream and throw his head back and forth... and it is hard to say "mark it with an H!" Should have thought of that when we named him I guess. So I go through the whole extended family in Patty Cake and then he's done. Repeat every 4-6 hours as needed. And the steroids are making little brotha hungry! I can tell that he thinks that the applesauce is sour as hell but he is like whatever! I'm hungry! and eats it anyway. I wonder if I'm on a steroid and I don't even know it?!
Zeke. Oh Zekey. The sweetest little boy ever. Forever in my heart, forever in diapers. No interest whatsoever. Drives Jordan crazy, but I'm like meh, this way I don't have to run him to the potty every ten minutes!! Probably this summer he'll learn it is fun to pee outside and then we'll be done. And heck - with Cartwheel, diapers are 5% off! :)
Mack Marshall. Bless his skinny little heart. For years (5 to be exact), he would wear nothing but sweat pants... Doesn't matter, but on occasion I thought it might be nice for him to wear jeans. All it took was telling him that Jordan wears jeans every day and now you can't get the kid in sweats! Next I'm going to tell him that Jordan takes naps every day too!!
So that's it this week.. Had anticipated this being a thing I do every Tues. and Fri. when Mack is at school, but I lead a pretty boring life. Will try harder. Have a great weekend! (I would as well, but I work this weekend. Nights. Boo! But I guess it supports my Target habit.)
I also didn't win the HGTV contest. Thought Lake Tahoe looked boring anyway. Sob.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Annnnnnd ACTION!!
YAY! I'm so excited to have my own blog!! I have been wanting to do this for awhile, but just haven't sat down and gotten to it. Funny since I currently follow no less than 12 blogs religiously... I have them all saved as favorites and I have to look at them in a certain order every day. OCD.
Basically I want to use this blog to have kind of a running time line of what we do here at our house... Something we can look back on and have forever. One blogger I follow does this and she said you can print it off as a book at the end of the year (just like I plan to do with the last 7 years worth of pics...) Time really does go sofast. The days are long but the years are short kind of thing (Just told Jordan that's how I feel and he was like huh??) I'm terrible at keeping up with the boys' baby books and such, so hopefully I'll do better at this. Being a SAHM (Stay-at-Home-Mom - sometimes Stay-at-Home-Mad, rarely Saint-Angel-Helluva-Mother) can get kind of trying at times and I think this will help me look at the big picture of what a blessing this opportunity is for us, not the never ending yelling, screaming, crying, begging for nap time (all of these by me) that it seems to be.
This morning, I had the opportunity to think in the shower (vs. rushing through while 2-3 screaming boys are waiting on the other side of the curtain for me) about what I wanted today's blog to be about (mom - does that today's need an apostrophe? Me thinks so but I'm not sure). I also had a chance to run through my prayer list in my head (I DO still have photographic memory - AHA! Something I was sure was lost since baby brain set in circa 2008). This is literally a little handwritten list I started the first weekend I was back to work AH (after Huck). I keep it in this book (the one on the left - Jesus Calling - a gift from my MIL -- it is fab!! - a daily devotional type):
UPDATE - I can't get the picture to load :( The book is called Jesus Calling, it is leather bound and smells of rich mahogany. Google it.
Anyway - where was I? The prayer list. This book, and the sheer number of patients/family/friends/self/sweet little babies with endless lists of health issues that show up on my FB feed, has sparked in me the need for this. I'm trying to do as this book - Jesus Calling - suggests - offering up plenty of thanks!! to Him too while I'm asking and begging and asking and bribing... and thanking Him for the things he has already set in motion and granted that we don't even know about yet. So Mack thinks I'm ignoring him (I CANNOT for the life of me get interested in Plants vs. Zombies.) but really I'm like shhh I have fifty more names. Sometimes when I have time I get very detailed in my prayers for these people, sometimes it's like God, you heard me last night, You know what I want. Thanks. :) Some names have gotten crossed off already - as it gets long and I think said person is through the worst of it, etc. So ha! you may not even know you're being prayed for!! And in all seriousness, these books are good (the other one is 52 Things Kids Need From A Mom) - read them when you have time - which is why the Mom book took me a year+ (If I had known Huck was going to take THREE inductions, I would have brought it with me. But then again, at that point I was pretty much cursing that I had to be the mom in our little fam. Back to feeling pretty lucky that I get to be!)
Also - another potentially life changing thought I had this morning - short story long (that's usually how it goes with me). I have a thing where I tend to keep things I really like "for good" - favorite kind of candy - or the good colors - get saved for last and eaten by child. Boo. Favorite jeans get saved for the best nights out and then best night out comes and jeans do not fit. Bah. So anyway, got out of shower, was sorting through my sock drawer - LOOOOVE new, soft socks. Just got some a couple weeks ago... First I picked up the new socks and then I was like nah, I will wear them tomorrow when I get to go shopping WITHOUT ANY BOYS!! But then I thought - shouldn't every day be the good sock day?! (I know - I'm very deep. Try to stay with me.) Mack Marshall, for instance, ONLY wears his good, soft, favorite cushy socks. Basically will not wear any socks that have ever been laundered. He gets it. And my feet feel SO good!! (Peppermint oil included, THAT is a whole nother blog.)
So that's it for today, Huck is up from his nap. Never fear if you wanted to hear more about the boys - I'm sure most of mine will be in the usual style of my children are the cutest.smartest.best behaved in all the land. Bare with me through all that - because sometimes I'll let me peek through ;)
Have a great day!
Also - if you don't hear from us for awhile, it's (apostrophe? dang I hate that.) because they are drawing for the HGTV Dream Home winner today, and I have every reason to believe that I have won - I only missed 5 entry days. So we'll be off to Lake Tahoe after they ambush-style notify me of my winnings within the next week. Where we shall stay until the property taxes eat us alive and my mom says she doesn't want to keep our children anymore. Come visit us!
Basically I want to use this blog to have kind of a running time line of what we do here at our house... Something we can look back on and have forever. One blogger I follow does this and she said you can print it off as a book at the end of the year (just like I plan to do with the last 7 years worth of pics...) Time really does go sofast. The days are long but the years are short kind of thing (Just told Jordan that's how I feel and he was like huh??) I'm terrible at keeping up with the boys' baby books and such, so hopefully I'll do better at this. Being a SAHM (Stay-at-Home-Mom - sometimes Stay-at-Home-Mad, rarely Saint-Angel-Helluva-Mother) can get kind of trying at times and I think this will help me look at the big picture of what a blessing this opportunity is for us, not the never ending yelling, screaming, crying, begging for nap time (all of these by me) that it seems to be.
This morning, I had the opportunity to think in the shower (vs. rushing through while 2-3 screaming boys are waiting on the other side of the curtain for me) about what I wanted today's blog to be about (mom - does that today's need an apostrophe? Me thinks so but I'm not sure). I also had a chance to run through my prayer list in my head (I DO still have photographic memory - AHA! Something I was sure was lost since baby brain set in circa 2008). This is literally a little handwritten list I started the first weekend I was back to work AH (after Huck). I keep it in this book (the one on the left - Jesus Calling - a gift from my MIL -- it is fab!! - a daily devotional type):
UPDATE - I can't get the picture to load :( The book is called Jesus Calling, it is leather bound and smells of rich mahogany. Google it.
Anyway - where was I? The prayer list. This book, and the sheer number of patients/family/friends/self/sweet little babies with endless lists of health issues that show up on my FB feed, has sparked in me the need for this. I'm trying to do as this book - Jesus Calling - suggests - offering up plenty of thanks!! to Him too while I'm asking and begging and asking and bribing... and thanking Him for the things he has already set in motion and granted that we don't even know about yet. So Mack thinks I'm ignoring him (I CANNOT for the life of me get interested in Plants vs. Zombies.) but really I'm like shhh I have fifty more names. Sometimes when I have time I get very detailed in my prayers for these people, sometimes it's like God, you heard me last night, You know what I want. Thanks. :) Some names have gotten crossed off already - as it gets long and I think said person is through the worst of it, etc. So ha! you may not even know you're being prayed for!! And in all seriousness, these books are good (the other one is 52 Things Kids Need From A Mom) - read them when you have time - which is why the Mom book took me a year+ (If I had known Huck was going to take THREE inductions, I would have brought it with me. But then again, at that point I was pretty much cursing that I had to be the mom in our little fam. Back to feeling pretty lucky that I get to be!)
Also - another potentially life changing thought I had this morning - short story long (that's usually how it goes with me). I have a thing where I tend to keep things I really like "for good" - favorite kind of candy - or the good colors - get saved for last and eaten by child. Boo. Favorite jeans get saved for the best nights out and then best night out comes and jeans do not fit. Bah. So anyway, got out of shower, was sorting through my sock drawer - LOOOOVE new, soft socks. Just got some a couple weeks ago... First I picked up the new socks and then I was like nah, I will wear them tomorrow when I get to go shopping WITHOUT ANY BOYS!! But then I thought - shouldn't every day be the good sock day?! (I know - I'm very deep. Try to stay with me.) Mack Marshall, for instance, ONLY wears his good, soft, favorite cushy socks. Basically will not wear any socks that have ever been laundered. He gets it. And my feet feel SO good!! (Peppermint oil included, THAT is a whole nother blog.)
So that's it for today, Huck is up from his nap. Never fear if you wanted to hear more about the boys - I'm sure most of mine will be in the usual style of my children are the cutest.smartest.best behaved in all the land. Bare with me through all that - because sometimes I'll let me peek through ;)
Have a great day!
Also - if you don't hear from us for awhile, it's (apostrophe? dang I hate that.) because they are drawing for the HGTV Dream Home winner today, and I have every reason to believe that I have won - I only missed 5 entry days. So we'll be off to Lake Tahoe after they ambush-style notify me of my winnings within the next week. Where we shall stay until the property taxes eat us alive and my mom says she doesn't want to keep our children anymore. Come visit us!
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